Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Atlanta Business Chronicle - Three Part Series

I was featured in a three-part series in the Atlanta Business Chronicle on mergers and acquisitions. The articles are “must read” pieces for any business executive in the middle market. Here are some of my main points and a link to the articles.

Integrating Two Cultures
Marrying corporate cultures is just as important as agreeing on the financial elements of a deal – more so when you consider that the deal is a permanent joining of two entities. When considering possible buyers, look for ones with cultures that are in alignment with yours. Communication with your employees before, during and after the transaction will also ease any trepidation to oncoming change. To read the Atlanta Business Chronicle article, “The Clash,” and learn more about merging corporate cultures, click here.

Seeing the Big Picture in Negotiations
The greatest asset of engaging the services of an experienced advisor, dealmaking attorney and accountant is not only their expertise at handling the intricacies of a transaction; vetted professionals are able to keep your eyes (and theirs) on the ball throughout the negotiation process. The back and forth process of negotiation can easily entangle buyers and sellers. Trust is easily lost. Your team, your advisor in particular, must make sure that you do not lose sight of the end prize – getting the deal done. For more information, read the article, “At the Table,” here.

The article series kicked off with “Exit Plan,” which discusses the work that goes into just making the decision to sell or merge a business. For months now, I have written about the importance of communication, planning and growing your business. I would be remised if I did not stress the importance exit planning. You have put a lot into your company. The growth and effort is meaningless if you have an ill-timed exit. I encourage you to read the articles. Once the thought of selling your business creeps into your mind, only consider competent advisors that guide throughout the entire process.


Mark Jordan

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